Courses Classes and Enrolment

Courses and Classes

There appears to be a lot of confusion as to the meaning of these terms: If the same course is repeated during a year, it is a new class for each repeat, since a different time slot is involved.
Simlarly, if two tutors run the same course (e.g. Tai Chi) then each is a different class.

In MyU3A a Class Code is a Course id combined with a Class number. eg. 23-01 is class 1 of course 23 for a specific academic year.


  • Remember, a course defines the material to be covered in a class. See the Help for Class Management. The class is a particular instance of running a course. The course comprises a Course Category (covered earlier) , Course Type (normally Course), a Title and Course Description. When no courses are defined go to Class Management and click on the Class Name button. This, of course, shows no courses or classes. Click on the New Course button to define your first course. For example title French, in the description define Intermediate and Beginners Year 1 with the corresponding descriptions for each. The course type is Course, the category is Languages. Click on the Commit button to finish definition of your first course.
  • You can, if you wish make each of the French classes based on separate courses.
  • Classes

  • Now that we have Members (in particular tutor members), the Term Calendar, Course Categories, courses, Venues and Rooms we can create classes.
  • Go into the Class Management app.
  • You may enter the start of the Course name in the name field and click on the Name button or its course code in the classes field and click on the Classes button.
  • Next click on the New Class button for the relevant year.
  • You must enter all of the fields with a red asterisk to the left. Following on from the example above of the French course, we will tick Friday as the class day, all weeks of the month, Terms 3 and 4, enter 1030/1200 as the start and end times, Beginner as the Qualifier, 16 And 6 as the maximum and minimum places. U in the Venue key and T in the tutor key. Click on the Next button. You will then be shown a list of members whose family names begin with T. Click on the radio button to the left of the desired tutor and click on the Select button. You will then see a list of venues starting with U and do the same to select the venue.
  • The Class Venues profile is now displayed. In most cases you will not need to change anything here, but if necessary do so following the instructions. Finally click on the Next button to complete the creation of the class. You will now see the classes for the French course (of which there is one at present).
  • Now go through the same process for the Intermediate French class using 1300/1430 for the start and end times, “Intermed” as the qualifier and all other values the same as the first class. After doing so you will now see the two classes you have created on the classes page. If the Intermediate class is to have a different Tutor, use the Leaders button (see the Help in the Class Management app.
  • User Guide
    Initial Setup of your MyU3A database
    MyU3A Setup
    Transfer of Information between MyU3A and a local workstation
    Membership and Renewals
    Business Objects and Processes
    Information Apps
    U3A Configuration Apps
    Activity Tracking
    Special Purpose Apps
    The Email Distributer (omail)
    General Upload

    For further assistance, contact support

    Created: 10th May 2011     Modified:19th July, 2019