The Business Objects and Processes
- Enrolment Office volunteers can join and re-enrol members, request places in classes and collect membership fees.
- Reconciliation The is an audit trail for the fees collected by Office Volunteers during a single day. At the end of the day, the money collected is counted and balanced against this report. Then the money and report is placed in an envelope and forwarded to the Treasurer.
- Apologies Office volunteers can enter apologies for non-attendance ahead of class sessions on behalf of members.
- Venues To setup and maintain venue profiles. Where outside venues are hired, Management reports on costs of each venue by term, class and student enable a tight control on outside venue costs.
- Locks/Keys The register of key holders and locks covering all venues
- Tutor Portal This allows access to the on line Tutor Portal by Office Volunteers when assisting Tutors with the management of their classes.
- Class Management To setup and maintain Course profiles and Class profiles.
Also used for planning courses and classes for the next year, and enabling office volunteers to print rolls (Attendance Reports) and marking rolls (reporting attendance) on behalf of Tutors and Class Leaders.
- Asset Register Primarily used for recording assets used in classes such as projectors, and other specialised apparatus the tutors might require at various times for classes. Tutors can reserve these assets for specific class sessions via the Tutor Portal. However, this app can be used to register all assets held by the U3A if required.
- Paypal Import imports the audit trail for a transfer from Paypal to a bank account and posts to the members' accounts.
- Committee enables the members of the Committee of Management and any sub-committees to be defined. This can be used for automated emailing to committee members.
For further assistance,
contact the office
Created: 10th May 2011
Modified:17th August, 2012
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