The Information Apps
- Members Presents all the information about a member: profiles, history, enrolments, fees paid and receipts etc.
Also used for generating member badge information, setting permissions for Omail distribution and passwords (higher levels of authority required).
- Volunteers Register Members volunteer when joining, enrolling or updating their membership. This app enables the office manager and other administration officers to produce a list of volunteers when looking to fill staffing vacancies.
- Receipts Enables lists of payments to be obtained in either member or receipt number sequences or specific enquiries made.
Volunteers with higher level of authority can also de-activate specific receipts and make other adjustments to correct errors and problems.
- Member Applications This is used when the Committee of Management needs to confirm new members. This app produces a list of members who have joined since the last Committee meeting for submission to the Committee for confirmation.
- Member Approvals After a Committee of Management Meeting, this App presents all those names submitted to the Committee. Any applicants not approved are unticked.
- Member Register This app allows a narrow list of members to be accessed showing just the minimal statuary information required by the Act.
It is only used when members demand information about other members.
- Courses/Classes This enables class lists in various sequences by course, category and tutor. It also provides class profiles, session dates and student lists.
- Members in Arrears provides lists of members who have yet to pay their membership fees - enabling easy followup.
- General Stats An analysis of classes, courses, members, tutors in various groupings.
For further assistance,
contact the office
Created: 10th May 2011
Modified:19th July, 2019
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