Welcome to the MyU3A Network

MyU3A is the State-of-the-Art way to manage your U3A.


About Browsers

MyU3A will operate effectively on Desktops, laptops, notebooks, tablets, smart phones and surfaces.

Most MyU3A components will work effectively on any platform and with almost any of the usual browsers. However problems on Windows platforms may be experienced on earlier versions of Internet Explorer (prior to version 9). If you have problems, download the free Firefox (recommended) or Google Chrome browser, use it instead and the problems will disappear.

Overview of MyU3A

Most U3As will already be using one of the commercially available financial packages to manage and report the General Ledger processes, so these functions are not included in MyU3A, although MyU3A has the neccessary interfaces to these processes.

With the General Ledger processes excepted, Myu3a incorporates all the business and information processes which enable the complete management of the administration your U3A.

Interface with your Website

  • When you are ready to open the system to members you can set up links in your own website for people to access MyU3a. You might like to put in the following links:
  • Member Login for members to log in, maintain their personal details and password. They login with their member ID and password. When you are ready we can send out the id and password to each member with an email address. Members without an email address cannot access MyU3A online.
  • Join Now to enable new members to join online.
  • Tutor Login for Tutors and other designated leaders to log in with their personal Id to look at details of the classes for which they are a leader. This gives them access to the roll marking, including withdrawal of members from the class, attendance report, class membersÂ’ emergency contact details and any recorded health issues and the Students list and Wait List, if any. Optionally (we do not recommend this), the tutor can also admit members to the class.

  • Some U3As also set up a link to the Practise database to enable members to try out something they are unsure of without doing any damage to the Live database. (The Live database is copied to the Practise database during the backup processing each night.). The must be careful in making changes as these will be lost overnight and will not be applied to the live database. In particular if they pay via PayPal in the practise database the payment will go through but details will be lost overnight. (However, this can be remedied by the Treasurer downloading the PayPal reconciliation file and entering that into MyU3A via the PayPal Import app.)
    We recommend that you do not include links to the Administration Apps on your website. The links should be given directly to any members authorised to access these and they should bookmark them or store an icon on their desktop.
    We recommend that you do not include links to the Administration Apps on your website. The links should be given directly to any members authorised to access these and they should bookmark them or store an icon on their desktop.
    Contact us when you are ready to do this and we will help you do so and also make a change to your MyU3A database to enable this to happen.

    Getting Started

    Your MyU3A has three databases:

    The Temporary Index page

    While you are getting going, your entry point is the index page containing the sample links to your Live database. This page is only used during setup. For routine use, these links are placed on your website to provide access to MyU3A which sits behind your web site.

    The public Front end

    The private Back end (Administration)

    A good place to start is by clicking Admin. Enter your password and click Next

    The Administration Apps menu is displayed. Click each of the following buttons to see how each app is used.

    Initial Setup of your MyU3A database
    MyU3A Setup
    Transfer of Information between MyU3A and a local workstation
    Membership and Renewals
    Courses, Classes and enrolment
    Business Objects and Processes
    Information Apps
    U3A Configuration Apps
    Activity Tracking
    Special Purpose Apps
    The Email Distributer (omail)
    General Upload

    Your office Workstations or home computer

    Workstation Setup
    Starting Up
    General Operation

    User Assistance

    At the foot of the first page of process Apps there is a Help button. Right click on this and open the User Guide for that App in a new window. By resizing the User Guide window and the operational window then setting them side by side, you can read what to do while doing it.

    For further assistance, contact the office

    Created: 10th May 2011     Modified:18th July, 2019