The Email Distribution Processes (omail)

This allows authorised members to compose an email at their personal email address and send it to the MyU3A server for distribution within their own U3A.

When composing the email the distribution code is placed at the start of the Subject line of the email in upper case characters followed by a space. This is then followed by the actual subject line of the email. In composing the email any number and type of attachments may be included.

Authority to send emails

The office Manager, Class Co-ordinator or your local support team can authorise members to send emails for distribution in the Member app by updating the Member Profile and ticking the appropriate check boxes:
ALLAll current and last year members.
TUTAll tutors

Distribution Identifiers

This is the code (in upper case) placed right at the front of the Subject of the email to be distributed followed by a space and then by the Subject of the email.
NLLooks up the Member Profile for each member. If the current member or a member who was current last year has elected to receive a newsletter by email, the email is sent. If the member has elected to receive the Newletter by post, the address information is added to the post list.
ALL An email is sent to all current and last year's members with an email address.
TUT An email is sent to all tutors with an email address.
VOLAn email is sent to all volunteers with an email address who are serving your U3A during the current academic year. This includes office volunteers, tutors, leaders and volunteers serving your U3A in other capacities.
xxxx-yy The Class code for emails to be distributed to a particular Class.
CCDistribute the email to all members of the Committee or sub-committee. Identify the committee by substituting CC with the 2-character code for the Committee (set in the Committee app).
User Guide
Initial Setup of your MyU3A database
MyU3A Setup
Transfer of Information between MyU3A and a local workstation
Membership and Renewals
Courses, Classes and enrolment
Business Objects and Processes
Information Apps
U3A Configuration Apps
Activity Tracking
Special Purpose Apps
General Upload

For further assistance, contact support

Created: 10th May 2011     Modified:19th July, 2019