Common Action Buttons

Action buttons are located at the bottom of the page. These are the actions of the standard buttons:


When an error occurs a red error message appears above the Action Buttons at the foot of the page and in most cases immediately below the page title at the top of the page.

You will not be able to proceed to the next step in the procedure until all errors are corrected.

Selection Procedures

In many Apps there will be pages where a selection is required.

Simple selections

Items will be listed one line at a time with a radio button (a small circle) at the end of the line.

Multiple selections

Items will be listed one line at a time with a checkbox (a small square box) at the start of the line.

More complex selections

Sometimes a list of all the items would be many pages long and it is necessary to narrow the search for the item you want by providing a clue as to what you are looking for. This is done by entering a "key" in a text box and clicking the appropriate sequence button to its right. This results in a list of items which equate to the "key" you entered. From here, just follow the Simple Selection procedure above.


When looking for members, courses or venues, you will have the option to enter a Namekey.

In the case of venues or courses, it's just the first few characters of the name. A list containing those few character at the start of the name is produced from which you select the one you are looking for.

In the case of members, normally just enter the first 3 or 4 alphabetic characters of the Family Name. For very common names like Smith, you can narrow the search further by entering a namekey consisting of up to the first 5 characters of the Family Name plus the first three characters of the Given Name. The more characters you use in a key, the more likely you are to mis-spell the name and not find the one you want, so keep namekeys as short as possible.

User Guide
Workstation Setup
Starting Up

For further assistance, contact the office

Created: 10th May 2011     Modified:17th August, 2012