Starting Up
After switching on and logging onto the computer:
- Launch Firefox
- Bookmarks Toolbar -> U3A -> Open all in tabs. This gives you four tabs.
- On each of the four tabs, select the Live Operational menu and log in.
- In tab 1, launch Office Enrolments
- In tab 2, launch Members
- In tab 3, launch Courses/Class Enquiries
- Tab 4: Leave for any extra processes you might need (eg Tutor Portal).
You are now ready for action.
The reason we set up these tabs in advance is to simplify the handling of interruptions.
The first three tabs you set up are the most regularly used Apps by Administration volunteers when deasling with members.
The most used app in the fourth tab would be the Tutor Portal which is used when Tutors request the office to help them organise their classes instead of doing it themselves on line.
Here is an example of handling an interuption:
It's a busy morning. You are in the middle of enrolling a student using the Office Enrolments App in tab 1 and the phone rings;
a member requests the phone number of a tutor.
Here's what to do:
- Leave the enrolment exactly where you are and click tab 3 where Course/Class app is set up.
- Look up the tutor or the class and relay the phone number to the caller
- Then click tab 1 and resume the enrolment from where you were before the interruption.
This procedure avoids having to go out of the Enrolment App, into the Course/Class App, and then restart the Enrolment App from the start again.
For further assistance,
contact the office
Created: 10th May 2011
Modified:17th August, 2012
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