U3a Geelong Inc

RegNo: A12137

Cobbin Farm

231 Grove Road

Grovedale 3216

Phone: 03 5244 5114

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Office hours
(during term only)

09.30 to 12.30 Mon - Fri

Garry Kinnane
Vice President:
Eeon Macauley
Greg Duggan
Irene Canon

Geelong Weather

Welcome to U3A Geelong

We look forward to your joining in the academic and social activities with us.

Firstly, you will need to apply for membership and give us your details. You can do this on line now, by phoning the office or calling in at the office during office hours.
Please note, you must have an email address to use the on line facilities.

Membership Fees: $60 per year ($30 if joining after June 15, 2016).
If you are a current member of another U3A and have your membership number and a receipt for 2016 with that U3A, you can join U3A Geelong for $50 ($25 if joining after June 15, 2016), but will not have voting rights.

Members of U3A Geelong may enrol in any number of available classes subject to acceptance by the Tutor.

Here is what is involved:

Step 1. Apply for membership.

Choose the grade of membership you would like and click Next.

Supply the details requested and click Next.

Step 2. Choose your classes and social events.

Click one of the Class buttons to bring up the list of classes and events available.

Select the classes and events that interest you and click the check box under the class code to request a place.

When you have completed your requests, click the Next button at the bottom of the page.

Step 3. Status of your requests.

A summary of the classes you request will be presented which shows the status of each of your requests. You can request a place in more classes by clicking the Class buttons at the foot of the page.

If you choose not to proceed with one or more of your classes, click the check box at the start of the line for each class from which you want to withdraw, and at the bottom of the page, slec=t the reason you want to withdraw from the drop-down list and click the Delete button.

When you have finished adjusting your classes, click

Step 4. Print your Renewal/Enrolment Summary .

Click on the Print button at the foot of the page.

If you were successful in obtaining a place in at least one class, you will be asked to pay your membership fee:

  • Pay on line using a credit card or Paypal account
  • Pay later by mailing a cheque to the office
  • Pay Later by calling in to the office and paying by cash or cheque (no credit card facilities in the office).

So, let's get started:  

Disclaimer: The member U3As of the MyU3A Network have made every endeavour to ensure that details appearing on this website are correct at the time of publication, but accept no responsibility for any inaccuracy or misdescription, whether by inclusion or omission, nor does the operator of the website accept any responsibility for subsequent changes in details or services shown.